The Demon HeadmasterApril 2019 - Really excited that I'll be composing the music for CBBC's revival of The Demon Headmaster! Can't wait to get started on it...
Lionsgate to Distribute Matriatch in North AmericaFebruary 2019 - Matriarch is arriving on DVD, Digital and On Demand April 9th!
Help! We're Having A BabyOctober 2018 - Documentary series Help! We're Having A Baby is airing on BBC1 Wales every Monday at 8.30pm and will also be available on...
Matriarch Premiere and Trailer September 2018 - Matrich set to have it's world premiere at the Popcorn Horror Festival in Glasgow on October 28th! After the film will...
Rapunzel - Cumbernauld TheatreJune 2018 - Thrilled to have been asked back by the Cumbernauld Theatre to compose the music for this year's Christmas Show 'Rapunzel'....
Free Flow - DocumentaryI'm onboard to score a really cool short documentary Free Flow, which I'll be working on this July. It's being directed by Paul Diffley...
BBC documentary seriesI'm composing some music for a 4x60' BBC documentary series 'Help! We're Having A Baby'. It follows the first few months of a babies life...
Cogs Of War - Video GameJust finished scoring 'Cogs of War', a new video game which has been designed and created by Tid Cooney, who's previously worked with...
Covert Media pickup MatriarchMatriarch getting a worldwide release courtesy of Covert Media: